27 September 2010

Physics: My Old Nemesis...

Almost as evil as stairs.

Survived Microbiology. On to Pathophysiology. First stop: the heart. Not that cardiology doesn't interest me, but it just involves so much physics!! Pressure, flow, cross-sectional area... It's too much for a Monday morning. I was SO not ready to come back to class today... I somehow lost ten minutes this morning -- or maybe I just thought I got up earlier than I actually did.

Ugly story regarding those tests last week....

Good news first: I definitely passed the final. No grade yet on the shelf exam. My physical conditions again had horrible timing... The night before the final, I somehow exacerbated the chronic cramp in my left shoulder, and it became an unbearable spasm radiating up into my neck. Didn't sleep at all that night (this is becoming a horrible pattern for Wednesday nights), was glad that I didn't wake up Alisha with my pained yelps. (It was pretty ugly at some points.) When she woke up & found me, she convinced me to go to the ER before the exam. We'd been told before that if we just said we were med students, they'd practically fall over themselves to help us. As it turned out, I had to be a bit pushy -- which I hate, especially since the nurse seemed to think I was quite an annoyance -- in order to even get out of there in time for the exam. The only thing that got me through the exam is acetaminophen with codeine, leftover from a tooth infection. (Amazing that it didn't put me to sleep!) Once the test was over, I filled the prescription for a muscle relaxant - the one thing I got out of the ER visit - and SLEPT like the dead!! Didn't even manage to study for the next exam. Woke up early the next day, and found my pain to be incredibly tolerable -- SUCH relief to have an almost-normal range of motion again!

Still have pain in my back, it's just slightly worse than it normally is. Will see my doctor about it this week, whenever I manage to find the time. And it turns out I'm allergic to the muscle relaxant they prescribed me. That would figure.

The weekend: I decided I deserved some relaxation, so I went to redeem this voucher I'd bought for month-long access to "spa services." Arrived at the place to find that it was pretty much just a tanning salon with a few extra "spa" machines... Not. Pleased. Felt that walking out would be too rude, and since I'd already paid for it I got a "facial" (misted in the face), a steaming, and a spray tan. Was so upset that I'd spent $50 on orange skin (that stinks, and will probably give me adenocarcinoma in 20 years) that I wrote an email expressing my dissatisfaction. A refund would make this better, but I'm not expecting it.

Need to get with it again! It's going to be a full sort of week...

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