Wissahickon Park time!! (This pic is from last November, when it was still warm enough to play outside -- but only just.)
Unfortunately, much of my spring is going to be occupied with studying -- which is really a shame. (Countdown to Step 1: 54 days. ACK! Panic attack!) Maybe I can find a nice outdoor study site... I need to find a good place to study, anyhow - like a public library, maybe. Somewhere quiet but not absolutely silent, with plenty of natural light, climate controlled, without things that look fun enough to distract me. Starbucks works pretty well, but I really don't think I want to go there every day, for the whole day, for 6 straight weeks.
In the last unit of second-year: Hematology & Oncology (i.e., blood & cancer). We're a week in, and I actually haven't fallen too far behind yet! I have, however, been abnormally fatigued the past couple days... Can't quite figure out why.
Today I have my end-of-second-year OSCE. (Objective/Subjective Clinical Exam? I'm not sure on that.) It's basically a history & physical -- or, rather, several of them. They then grade us on how well we did. We have one near the end of every year, and they progressively get more difficult. This is actually rather anxiety-provoking, because there are a LOT of physical maneuvers and a LOT of ways you can do them wrong, and there are a LOT of questions you need to ask (and a LOT you don't need to ask!), and there's only 20 minutes to do it all!
Now I've gotten myself worked up. Need to use the next 45 minutes to calm down. Then my OSCE from 4:00-7:00 (worst timing ever!), then homeward bound for studying... I'm kidding - I'm going to eat, watch TV, & go to bed!!